Orgue Dubois, Wissembourg – Masterclass 2024

In two weeks, I’ll attend the masterclass with Aude Heurtematte at the Dubois organ of Sts. Pierre & Paul in Wissenbourg. Here’s what I’ll probably prepare:

  • Joan Cabanilles (1644-1712) – Tiento Por A la mi re
  • Abraham van den Kerckhoven (1618-1702) – Versus primi toni – Cocquiel-Manuscript N° 033, 037, 048, 050, 052, 055, 058, 157, 158, 162
  • Dieterich Buxtehude (ca. 1637-1707) – Passacaglia in d minor (BuxWV 161)

I learned a lot during last year’s course in Kaufungen with Torsten Laux, and so I will do during those two days with other organ enthusiasts.