Author Archives: ce

George Duke on Pitch Bending

Keyboard Magazine shares an article about George Duke’s pitch bending techniques. Don’t miss the embedded sound cloud audio at the bottom of the page.

I agree that applying vibrato via the pitch bender is a great technique. However I’ve never tried to set the bend range to a fourth and playing the intervals in between via the bender. And the tip with bending two semitones up and then playing the note below on a monophonic synth was very insightful.

BTW: I’m pretty impressed by the sound of the Arturia mini V software emulation of the Mini Moog. It seems to be rather close to the original with its marvellous unique waveforms.

Thanks Jerry.

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Vespers continued August 4 2013

Today Quentin Guerillot played the following pieces:

Jean Adam Guilain (ca. 1680-1739) – Suite du 2ème ton

  • Prélude
  • Tierce en taille
  • Duo
  • Basse de trompette
  • Trio de flûtes
  • Dialogue
  • Petit Plein-Jeu

Claude Bénigne Balbastre (1727-1799)

  • Prélude et fugue

Charles Tournemire (1870-1939) – Suite évocatrice

  • Grave
  • Tierce en taille et récit de cromorne
  • Flûte d’écho
  • Jeu doux et voix humaine
  • Caprice

Bengt Hambraeus (1928-2000) – Livre d’orgue

  • Introduction sur les Pleins-Jeux

Vespers continued July 28 2013

Today Marc Huck (organ), Caroline Huck-Hiebel (organ), and Eric Hiebel (trumpet) played the following pieces:

  • Jacques Boyvin (ca. 1649-1706) – Prélude du 5ème ton
  • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) – Extraits de Musique Héroique ou 12 marches pour violon ou flûte et clavier – Marche N° 2 – La Grâce
  • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) – Extraits de Musique Héroique ou 12 marches pour violon ou flûte et clavier – Marche N° 11 – l’Espérance
  • Michel Corrette (1707-1795) – Extrait du Premier Livre d’Orgue – Grand Jeu
  • Johann Speth (1664- ca. 1719) – Extrait du recueil »Ars magna consoni et dissoni« – Partite diverse sopra l’aria detta la Todesca
  • Georg Friedrich Haendel (1685-1759) – Air extrait de la »Water Music«
  • Leopold Mozart (1719-1789) – Suite en Fa majeur – 3 mouvements
  • Samuel Wesley (1766-1837) – Three duets for Eliza
  • Christian Friedrich Ruppe (1753-1826) – Extrait de 18 pièces pour l’orgue ou piano-forte – Finale, Rondo Allegro
  • Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (1679-1735) – Extrait de Harmonische Seelenlust – Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir

Vespers continued July 21 2013

Today Lydia Schimmer played the following pieces on the Dubois organ:

  • Georg Muffat (1653-1704) – Apparatus musico organisticus – Toccata undecima
  • Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) – Toccata Seconda
  • Heinrich Scheidemann (1596-1663) – Dic nobis Maria
  • Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667) – Partita »Auff die Mayerin«
  • Georg Böhm (1661-1733) – Vater unser im Himmelreich
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – Ave Maria Stella – Pein Jeu
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – Ave Maria Stella – Fugue à 5
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – Ave Maria Stella – Duo
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – Ave Maria Stella – Dialogue sur les Grand Jeux

This concert was quite different:

  • Pieces of three composers of the pre-Bach era
  • No Bach played at all
  • Excellent presentation of the french sound of the instrument (thirds, cornet, lingual stops)

I got the impression that Lydia Schimmer has carefully chosen pieces matching the instrument quite well – thanks for the efforts, we enjoyed every single minute!

Vespers continued July 7 2013

Today Thomas Kientz played the following pieces on the Dubois organ:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – Clavierübung Teil III – Präludium und Fuge Es-Dur (BWV 552)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – Vater unser im Himmelreich (BWV 737)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – Vater unser im Himmelreich (BWV 762)
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – A solis ortus cardine – Plein chant en taille
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – A solis ortus cardine – Fugue à 5
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – A solis ortus cardine – Trio
  • Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) – A solis ortus cardine – Point d’orgue sur les grands jeux
  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) – Fantaisie et fugue en ut mineur
  • Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) – Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten
  • Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) – Weg, mein Herz mit den Gedanken
  • Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) – Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
  • Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) – Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn
  • Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785) – Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ

Due to the warm weather the city of Wissembourg was not as crowded as on other sundays. The concert was of great joy and pleasure as always :) .

Replacing the head of the Wavedrum

I try to play the Wavedrum frequently. I mainly use the finger tips for playing rather than the palm (or even sticks). Unfortunately I did not pay attention to my finger nails, which scratched the original head quite heavily.

As a consequence, I needed to replace the head. As advertised by Korg, I’ve chosen the Remo Ambassador Fiberskyn3 10“ (model FA-0510-00). Replacement is simple. Just remove the 5 screws, turn the rim to the right (gently, so that the cable between the rim and the body does not get damaged), replace the head, put the rim in place and insert the five screws. The manual describes how to tighten them and how to calibrate the sensors.

While calibrating the rim sensitivity, one may be tempted to set the low value to 0 instead of something like 7. This leads to some hiss coming out of the Wavedrum though.

The next couple of days will show whether the Remo is more resistent than the original head :) .

Vespers continued 2013

This year the vespers at Wissembourg are continued. Today Heinrich Grimm played the following pieces:

  • Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy (1633-1694) – Offerte en fanfare
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) – Partite diverse sopra il Corale O Gott, du frommer Gott (BWV 767) – 9 variations
  • Jacques Boyvin (1653-1706) – Extrait de la suite du premier ton – Tierce en taille
  • Jacques Boyvin (1653-1706) – Extrait de la suite du premier ton – Basse de Trompette
  • Jacques Boyvin (1653-1706) – Extrait de la suite du premier ton – Grand Dialogue
  • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) – Toccata XI – Allegro
  • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) – Presto
  • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) – Partita alla Lombarda
  • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) – Fuga

A friend of mine who attended for the very first time was quite impressed :) .

Rüdiger Oppermann auf dem Watthaldenfestival

Spätestens wenn Rüdiger seine rote Harfe auspackt, an den Verstärker hängt und somit die Stromgitarrenemulation einschaltet, verlassen die älteren Semester fluchtartig das Veranstaltungsareal. Danke für das beeindruckende Konzert, Jungs :) .

First anniversary of the Inauguration of the Dubois organ

Almost one year passed since the inauguration of the Dubois organ at the abbey of Peter and Paul in Wissembourg. To celebrate the anniversary a nice concert took place yesterday from 8 PM to 10 PM.

Pascal Reber and Markus Eichenlaub played pieces of various composers. Three have been played using four hands by both artists. A screen has been used so that the audience could see the artists and their helpers working at the console.

I especially enjoyed the »Chaconne en fa mineur« of Johann Pachelbel, one of my favorites which I haven’t heard for ages.

Just like last year the instrument can be heard during the vespers each sunday at 5 PM (August 11 at 4 PM) between June 9 and September 15.

I’d like to thank all who helped to make this happen, especially the many volunteers.

The Korg Wavedrum

I wonder why Korg didn’t name the instrument Kavedrum, since this would better fit other Korg products like Kronos and KingKorg :) .

I had the occasion to play the instrument this weekend. Frankly, I was completely impressed by the sensitivity of its membrane and rim. The built in sounds include really special stuff, and the device invites to play stuff never heard before.

It was designed as a standalone musical instrument. As a consequence, it does not provide interfaces such as MIDI or USB. It cannot be used as a controller to trigger sounds of other instruments. The user cannot upload custom samples, and the device cannot be played by external sequencers. Obviously the product managers had a clear vision in mind.

I also played the Wavedrum Mini. The pad is not a membrane, but a rubber pad. Instead of a rim, it features a clip which can be used external surfaces (tabletops, books etc.) to trigger sounds.

I was impressed how well it responds to user input. However, I perceived the overall sounds less innovative the the one of the Wavedrum (WDX, Oriental, the new Wavedrum Global was not on stock yet).

The third device I tried was the Roland Handsonic, which is available with 10 and 15 Pads. It’s less innovative than the Wavedrum, but it provides external connectivity via MIDI, and responds to user input very nicely.

So which one am I going to buy? None of them. Since I’m a keyboarder and not a percussionist, I’m still content with the m-audio Trigger Finger connected to the Kronos or the computer:

The Kronos cannot cope with it when connected via USB. The first couple of notes will be played, but then the Kronos stops to play further notes. Plugging the TriggerFinger out and in again fixes the issue, but only for a couple of notes. As a workaround, don’t use a USB but a MIDI cable.

Edit: Also see the Mandala.

The very first ROMpler…

Though the Lichttonorgel was not a commercial success, it was the very first sample player ever. It was invented and developed by Edwin Welte, a member of the famous company known for their orchestrions and reproducing pianos. The latter instruments can be seen in action in several museums in the south-west of germany.

BTW: The piano roll they invented still can be found as an editor in many software sequencers to create and manipulate control events.

The Lichttonorgel can be seen as one of the predecessors of the Optigan and Orchestron, a competitor of the Mellotron. New sound disks for the Optigan are still available via, including sound samples.

The Hang and the Duduk

I had the occasion to hear a Hang being played one summer eve of 2012 in Wissembourg. It’s a very interesting musical instrument as it appears to be a combination of a percussion and a pitched instrument, similar to a Steelpan.

Dmitry Yeryomin (aka SynthKeyWizard, SKW) shared samples of the instrument for the Korg Kronos. Don’t miss the video where he plays the samples. It is available at the bottom of the download page. Additionally he shared samples of a Duduk. Don’t miss the excellent video.

Another enthusiast maintains the hangblog.

Händel at Stadtkirche Karlsruhe

I was invited to attend a concert at the Stadtkirche Karlsruhe. The Staatstheater Karlsruhe performed the oratorio »Esther« of Georg Friedrich Händel. Unfortunately the invitor didn’t leave home, since she was trapped by some severe cold :( .

I found the instrumentation quite interesting. Besides the “usual” candidates like the choir and vocal solists, the bowed string instruments plus some hautboys and bassoons, a lute and a bass lute took part as well as a harp, a harpsicord, and a chest organ. Two horns and a trumpet were the only brass instruments. No drums were involved.

A great concert, well visited. Thanks girls and guys :) .

BTW: The choir organ on the left hand side, built by Remy Mahler, is a masterpiece. In case you get a chance to visit a concert, do not hesitate – you won’t regret.

The joy of Kronos

Korg Kronos X 88

Korg Kronos X 88

After excessively testing the Kronos, I’m completely overwhelmed. I didn’t expect it being that great. Though the grand and electric piano, the organ and string modelling engines already provide a more than pleasing playground, I’m especially impressed by the AL-1 analog modeling and MOD-7 FM engines.


Despite the complexity the device runs relatively stable. Some weird behaviour, requiring a reboot, may happen after hours of programming work, which IMO is not a major issue. I got the device to crash, though, when importing and playing some organ soundfonts like Jeux 1.4 from

Fan noise

The fan was very noisy and audible from a distance of at least 15 feet. Obviously its vibrations have been amplified by the base panel made of hard masonite. My dealer first tried to decouple it from the chassis using some foam, but to no avail. He finally replaced it by a model with similar specs. It’s still audible, but I barely notice it when sitting in front and programming the machine. I’m very grateful for the great work they did.

Kronos Original Fan (RDM6025S)

Kronos Original Fan (RDM6025S)


I replaced my DIY-welted stand by the K&M 18810, which is rather solid and provides enough room for the legs and pedals. IMO its assembly classifies it as a stand for stationary use, not being made for stage nomads.

Foot controllers

I’m using a Roland DP-10 sustain pedal and an additional Yamaha FC 5 connected to the Kronos’ assignable switch input.

Roland DP-10 with rubber plate

Roland DP-10 with rubber plate

I’m still after a pedal block compatible with the Kronos with two (or three) integrated (half-damper) switches similar to the ones of Roland and Nord shown below. If possible, an integrated swell respectively expression pedal would be great. In case someone can share some pointer, I’d be interested.

Roland Pedalblock

Roland Pedalblock

Nord Pedalblock with plate

Nord Pedalblock with plate

The factory CX-3 organ presets use the joystick to switch the rotary speaker’s speed. In case you want to optionally use the footswitch, assign one of the AMS mixers to the speed parameter, and provide both the joystick’s Y-axis and the footswitch to this mixer’s inputs.


The Kronos, son of the OASYS and kind of grand son of the Z1, IMO is an unrivaled digital piano, organ, and synthesizer. I already spent hours playing the outstanding grand piano emulations and programming the AL-1 and MOD-7 engines.

Absolute Ensemble – Absolute Zawinul

Über einen Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk[1] bin ich auf das von Charles Coleman und Kristjan Järvi 1993 gegründete Absolute Ensemble[2] aufmerksam geworden. Die Livemitschnitte eines Konzertes in Bremen haben mir auf Anhieb gut gefallen. Was nicht weiter verwundert, denn im weiteren Verlauf der Sendung wurde das Album »Absolute Zawinul« (Details) angesprochen, das seit 2004 in Zusammenarbeit mit Joe Zawinul entstanden ist[3].

Zawinul-Fans finden auf dem Album durchaus bekannte Stücke:

01 – Bimoya
02 – Sultan
03 – Great Empire
04 – Peace
05 – Good Day
06 – The Peasant
07 – Ballad For Two Musicians
08 – Ice Pick Willy

Wer nochmal Joes sakralen Synthsound oder den Vocoder hören möchte, kommt hier auf seine Kosten. Zu hören sind außerdem weitere Syndicate-Musiker wie Sabine Kabongo, Allegre Correa, Aziz Sahmaoui, Paco Séry (»greatest drummer on the earth«) und Linley Marthe (der des öfteren mit einem stark abgegriffenen Instrument zu sehen war). Hier das Lineup laut Progarchives:

  • Joe Zawinul – composer, keyboards and vocoder
  • Kristjan Järvi – music director, conductor
  • Gene Pritsker – arranger
  • Vesselin Gellev – violin
  • Neela de Fonseka – violin
  • Eddie Venegas – violin
  • Gregor Huebner – violin
  • Edmundo Ramirez – viola
  • Michael Block – cello
  • Mat Fieldes – acoustic, electric bass
  • Jay Elfenbein – acoustic, electric bass
  • Hayley Melitta Reid – flute, piccolo
  • Keve Wilson – oboe, English Horn
  • Michiyo Suzuki/ clarinet, saxophone
  • Marianne Gythfeldt /clarinet
  • Martin Kuuskmann – bassoon
  • Damian Primis – contrabassoon
  • Charles Porter – trumpet
  • Ann Ellsworth – horn
  • Michael Seltzer – trombone
  • Damien Bassman – drums, percussion
  • Pablo Rieppi – percussion
  • John Ostrowski – percussion
  • Matt Herskowitz – piano, keyboard
  • Gene Pritsker – electric guitar
  • Sabine Kabongo – vocals
  • Allegre Correa – guitar, vocals
  • Aziz Sahmaoui – percussion, vocals, gumbri
  • Jorge Bezerra – percussion
  • Paco Sery – drums, percussion, kalimba
  • Linley Marthe – electric bass

Es ist schon erstaunlich, was dabei herausgekommen ist. Davon würde ich gerne mehr hören, nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil es mich an die Musik erinnert, die ich Anfang der 1990er selbst gemacht habe :) .


[1] Leider kann ich keine Informationen zu dem Beitrag mehr im Archiv finden. Das wird mit dem ab diesem Jahr neuen Rundfunkgebührenmodell sicher alles viel besser ;-) .
[2] Man muss genauso wie beim Online-Musikkauf bei Amazon Flash im Browser aktiviert haben, damit die Seite angezeigt werden kann.
[3] Joe starb am 11. September 2007 vor der Fertigstellung.

Sts. Pierre et Paul de Wissembourg – Concert de Noël

Snow is a seldom guest of the Upper Rhine Plain, but currently it’s snowing all day. It didn’t hinder me grabbing a car and heading to Wissembourg to visit a concert.


  • La Chorale Ste Cécile de Wingen
    • Direction: Joseph Walther
    • Elsa Goetz, soliste
    • Geneviève Heitz, soliste
    • Philippe Gimber, soliste
    • Denise Becker, accompagnement à l’orgue de chœur
  • Pascal Reber, soliste à l’orgue Dubois
Chorale Ste Cécile de Wingen

Chorale Ste Cécile de Wingen


  • Orgue
    • Nun komme der Heiland, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
  • Chant
    • Hodie et Alleluia, H. Schütz (1585 – 1672)
    • Veni, veni, Emmanuel, Mélodie française du 15e siecle
    • Gloria, C. Saint-Saens (1835 – 1921)
    • Jubilate Deo, L. Halmos (*1945)
    • Wie der Hirsch schreit, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 – 1847)
    • Hodie et Alleluia, H. Schütz (1585 – 1672)
  • Orgue
    • Musette et Tambourin, M. Corette (1707 – 1795)
  • Chant
    • Hodie Christus natus est, Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676 – 1749)
  • Orgue
    • Noël VI, Louis-Claude Daquin (1694–1772)
  • Chant
    • Les pastoureaux, Noël provençal
    • Quelle est cette odeur agréable?, Noël pop. Français
    • Still, still, still, Noël pop. Allemand
    • Cest Noël qui chante, Noël suisse
    • Candlelight carol, J. Rutter
  • Orgue
    • Improvisation sur un thème donné, P. Reber (*1961)
  • Tous en chœur


A great concert, and the right activity for a snowy sunday afternoon. Thanks to all who made this happen.

Klangwelten live at Tollhaus

Once again[1,2] Rüdiger Oppermann brought a couple of outstanding musicians to the Tollhouse yesterday. You never knew what you can do with string instruments alone until you heard it :) . In case you get the chance, don’t miss it. You won’t regret.

Altan at Tollhaus

Today we had the occasion to listen to some Irish Folk music. Altan played at the Tollhaus which was well crowded (though the smaller stage was used). An enjoyable and recreational evening after the great hiking trip. That’s it for today, as I need to check the contents of the fridge right now :) .

Abbatiale Sts Pierre et Paul à Wissembourg – Antonio Salieri – Requiem en Do mineur

Liebhaber klassischer Musik konnten heute um drei Uhr in der katholischen Stiftskirche St. Peter und Paul in Wissembourg das Requiem in C-Moll von Antonio Salieri (1750-1825) genießen.

Die Organisation dürfte ein kleiner Kraftakt gewesen sein. Beteiligt waren der Projektchor der Regierungspräsidiums Karlsruhe und der Landkreise Karlsruhe und Rhein-Neckar, die Vokalsolisten Lydia Leitner, Rosemara Ribeiro, Jason Kim sowie Claus Temps, und das Bruchsaler Barockensemble, unter Leitung der Konzertmeisterin Selma Heider-David und Johann J. Beichel. Denise Becker bot den Hörern außerdem zu Beginn und Ende der Veranstaltung eine Kostprobe des authentischen Klanges der frisch restaurierten Dubois-Orgel. Wie schon in den zwanzig vorausgegangenen Konzerten sorgte Thomas Becker für die perfekte Moderation, und Dominique Moog kümmerte sich einmal mehr um die Besucher. Der Erlös kommt dem Neubau einer Orgel für die evangelische Kirchengemeinde St. Johann in Wissembourg zugute.

Somit endete heute die Konzertreihe in Wissembourg, die den Sommer 2012 zu einem ganz besonderen Sommer machte. Ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich bei den nahezu zahllosen Beteiligten hinter und vor den Kulissen für die vielen schönen musikalischen Stunden bedanken.